Our brand stands for
“Industry in harmony with the environment”

We have grown into an established, global consultancy, recognised for creating solutions for industry, business and municipalities across the globe, in all fields of environmental sustainability and quality.

We operate as two separate and independent companies (Intechnica Consult GmbH & Intechnica Cert GmbH), enabling our clients to build sustainably from a strong platform of social responsibility, ecological integrity and financial stability.

In order to maintain impartiality and independence, consulting customers of Intechnica Consult are not offered certification and verification services by Intechnica Cert

Declaration of impartiality 

Dr. Reiner Beer  |  Dr. Norbert Hiller

Since 1990 we have stayed true to our original vision; to create a company that would help enlightened businesses to take a conscious path to care for the planet, but at the same time to make our clients more secure along their business path to better compliance, with carefully created, future secure solutions.

We started our business in Nuremberg, Germany, but now operate across the globe for clients that we never dreamed of consulting at our beginning. Our experience and knowledge gained over that time has helped us build a business that attracts and retains experts in their fields, which in turn keeps our clients coming back to us.

Dr. Reiner Beer |  Dr. Norbert Hiller

Since 1990 we have stayed true to our original vision; to create a company that would help enlightened businesses to take a conscious path to care for the planet, but at the same time to make our clients more secure along their business path to better compliance, with carefully created, future secure solutions.

We started our business in Nuremberg, Germany, but now operate across the globe for clients that we never dreamed of consulting at our beginning. Our experience and knowledge gained over that time has helped us build a business that attracts and retains experts in their fields, which in turn keeps our clients coming back to us.

To be the No.1 company recognised for securing long-term sustainability, positive growth and enhanced reputation for enlightened and ambitious businesses around the world.

We will be committed to making our clients “ fit for the future’ by enhancing their environmental reputation, maintaining their corporate ethics, minimising any potential risks to their business and supporting them with their legal requirements and compliance.

Our brand image has been a strong symbol for the business that has built recognition and flexibility within our marketing messages.
It has built immeasurable corporate value and customer empathy for our business, and our brand story gives clarity and focus for our staff and associates, whenever and wherever they are representing Intechnica.

View our brand document here